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20+ Ingenious Sitting Area Ideas for Small Bedrooms You Will Want to Steal

Creating a sitting area in a small bedroom can feel like an impossible task. I know how tricky it can be to make the most of a small bedroom.

We all want our spaces to be functional and cozy, but it’s not always easy to figure out how to add a sitting area when you’re already tight on space. But don’t worry—I’ve got you covered.

With a bit of creativity and smart planning, you can create a charming sitting area that enhances the functionality and comfort of your bedroom.

Let’s dive into some fun and practical ideas to help you get started.

space saving funiture for sitting area in small bedroom

Assessing Your Space and Layout

Before we jump into furniture and decor, let’s talk about the first step: assessing your space.

Grab a tape measure and jot down the dimensions of your room.

Trust me, having these measurements handy will save you a lot of guesswork later on.

Knowing the exact size of your room helps you determine what kind of furniture will fit and where it can be placed. It’s the foundation for all the fun stuff that comes next!

Best Locations for a Sitting Area

Now that we’ve got the measurements and a better understanding of our space, let’s explore some possible locations for a sitting area in your small bedroom.

By the Window

If you’re lucky enough to have a window, this is prime real estate for a sitting area.

Natural light makes any space feel larger and more inviting.

There’s nothing quite like cozying up with a good book and a cup of tea while soaking up the sunlight.

Positioning your sitting area here can also provide a beautiful view and a sense of tranquility.

a cozy chair by the window in small bedroom

Corner of the Room

Corners are often underutilized.

A compact chair or a cozy bean bag can transform an empty corner into a perfect little nook.

This is an excellent option if your bed and other furniture already take up significant wall space.

a blue bean bag in the corner of small bedroom with a tall lamp

Foot of the Bed

Placing a bench, loveseat, or a couple of small chairs at the end of your bed can create a seamless transition from sleeping to lounging.

It’s a great way to utilize the space that might otherwise go unused and can also add a decorative element to your bedroom.

a bench at the foot of a bed

Against a Wall

Narrow spaces along the walls are great for slimline furniture like a sleek chair or a built-in bench with storage underneath.

This setup keeps the center of your room open and free of clutter, making the room feel more spacious.

a blue armchair next to a bed

Adjacent to Built-In Storage

If you have built-in wardrobes or shelves, consider integrating a sitting area right next to them.

This can create a cohesive look and make use of every inch of space.

It’s also convenient to have a place to sit when you’re picking out clothes or organizing your belongings.

a coral chair in small bedroom

Choosing Chairs and Seating for a Small Bedroom

Now that we’ve pinpointed where to place your sitting area, let’s talk about selecting the right seating.

The perfect chair or seat can make a big impact without taking up too much room.

Compact and Stylish Armchairs

Look for chairs designed specifically for small spaces.

A sleek armchair with slender legs can be both functional and stylish, providing a comfortable spot to sit without overwhelming the room.

a pink armchair in small bedroom

Loveseats and Small Sofas

If you have a bit more space, a loveseat or a small sofa can add a touch of luxury.

Opt for models with a slim profile and elevated legs to maintain an airy feel.

a loveseat by the window in small bedroom


Benches are incredibly versatile. They can be placed at the foot of the bed, against a wall, or even beneath a window.

Benches with built-in storage are particularly useful, providing a place to sit and extra space to store bedding, clothes, or other items.

a bench with built-in storage at the foot of a bed

Poufs and Ottomans

These versatile pieces can serve as extra seating, footrests, or even small tables.

Poufs and ottomans are easy to move around and can be tucked away when not in use, making them ideal for small spaces.

two ottomans for sitting area in small bedroom

Foldable and Stackable Chairs

For ultimate flexibility, consider foldable or stackable chairs.

They can be easily stored away when not in use and brought out when you need extra seating.

foldable chair and table in small bedroom

Window Seats

If you have the opportunity to install built-in furniture, a window seat or bench can provide a cozy sitting area with added storage underneath.

This makes excellent use of limited space and keeps your room tidy.

window seats in small bedroom

Creating Multifunctional Spaces

In a small bedroom, everything needs to do double duty.

Your sitting area can be more than just a place to sit;  it can also provide extra functionality that makes the most of your limited space.

Dual-Purpose Sitting Area

Think about what else you need your sitting area to do. Can it double as a reading nook and a workspace?

A small desk or table can easily transform a cozy corner into a functional office.

Consider a desk with a lift-up top for hidden storage or one with built-in shelves.

sitting area in bedroom as working space

Integrating a Small Desk

A slim desk or a wall-mounted table can fit into even the tightest spaces.

Pair it with a comfortable chair, and you’ve got a perfect spot for writing, studying, or browsing the web.

Wall-mounted desks can be folded down when not in use, saving valuable floor space.

a blue armchair and foldable wall mounted desk next to a bed

Using Room Dividers

If you want to create a sense of separation without closing off space, consider using a room divider.

A folding screen or a curtain can create a distinct sitting area without making your room feel cramped.

Shelving units can also serve as dividers while providing extra storage.

a small corner for reading book in small bedroom with curtain

Designing and Decorating for a Cozy Atmosphere

Let’s get to the fun part—decorating!

The right design and decor can make your small sitting area feel cozy and inviting.

Color Palette

Light colors and monochromatic schemes can make a room feel larger.

Soft pastels, whites, and light grays are great choices.

You can also use color strategically to define your sitting area—perhaps an accent wall or a bold chair in an otherwise neutral room.

sitting area in bedroom with pastel color theme


Mirrors are magic when it comes to creating the illusion of more space.

A well-placed mirror can reflect light and make your room feel brighter and bigger.

Consider a large mirror on one wall or smaller decorative mirrors arranged artfully.

a seat next to a mirror in small bedroom

Vertical Storage Solutions

Wall-mounted shelves and hanging organizers can keep your sitting area clutter-free.

They’re perfect for storing books, plants, and decorative items.

Floating shelves are a stylish way to add storage without taking up floor space.

wall mounted shelves with ottomans in a small bedroom


Adding throws and cushions can instantly make your sitting area more comfortable.

Choose soft fabrics and inviting textures to create a cozy vibe.

Layering textiles can add depth and warmth to the space.

cushions on a loveseat


Good lighting is key. A combination of floor lamps, table lamps, and fairy lights can create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Task lighting is important for reading or working, while ambient lighting sets the mood.

a bean bag with pink pillow in a small bedroom corner with lightings

Personal Touches

Don’t forget to add personal touches like artwork, plants, and decorative items that reflect your style.

These elements make your space feel like home and can be easily swapped out to refresh the look.

a window seat with pictures and plants decor around